Meixia Shi, PhD

PhD Student

​Postdoc at Zhejiang University and Ningbo Water Meter Co.


Research Interests

My research interests are focused on how to experimentally improve the water flux and restrict the salt passage for the forward osmosis (FO) membrane by changing the support layer’s hydrophilicity or its geometry. I am also interested to model different digital membrane geometries and simulate their impacts to the mass transfer including the water and the salt in FO application.

Selected Publications

  • Water flow prediction for membranes using 3D simulations with detailed morphology
    M. Shi, G. Printsypar, O. Iliev, V. M. Calo, G. L. Amy, S. P. Nunes
    Journal of Membrane Science, 487, 19-31, (2015)
  • Analysis of the relationship between CO2 emissions and three industries in China
    M. Shi, C. Peng
    Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), 37(4), 471-476, (2010)


  • M.E., Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 2010
  • B.E., Environmental Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, China, 2006

KAUST Affiliations

  • Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering Division (BESE)

Research Interests Keywords

Forward Osmosis Hydrophilic Membrane Geometry Support Layer