Silver-enhanced block copolymer membranes with biocidal activity

by P. Madhavan, P.-Y. Hong, R. Sougrat, S.P. Nunes
Year: 2014 ISSN: DOI: 10.1021/am505594c


Silver-enhanced block copolymer membranes with biocidal activity
P. Madhavan, P.-Y. Hong, R. Sougrat, S.P. Nunes
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6 (21), pp. 18497-18501, (2014)



Silver nanoparticles were deposited on the surface and pore walls of block copolymer membranes with highly ordered pore structure. Pyridine blocks constitute the pore surfaces, complexing silver ions and promoting a homogeneous distribution. Nanoparticles were then formed by reduction with sodium borohydride. The morphology varied with the preparation conditions (pH and silver ion concentration), as confirmed by field emission scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Silver has a strong biocide activity, which for membranes can bring the advantage of minimizing the growth of bacteria and formation of biofilm. The membranes with nanoparticles prepared under different pH values and ion concentrations were incubated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and compared with the control. The strongest biocidal activity was achieved with membranes containing membranes prepared under pH 9. Under these conditions, the best distribution with small particle size was observed by microscopy.


Polystyrene Poly(4-vinylpyridine) Block copolymer membranes pH responsive Biofouling Silver nanoparticles